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Online Auctions can be the key to a prosperous future

The question I am always being asked is, “can you really make money with eBay?” and the answer is most empathically, yes you can.

When I first started the UKAuctionline web site there were less that a hundred people making a full time living through eBay in the UK. Today it is estimated that over 10,000 are doing this and the figure growing every day. And this doesn’t even include the vast number of people supplementing their main source of income with profits made on eBay.

Almost overnight it became possible for ordinary people to use the Internet to make money. Even people without any computer or technical training could buy and sell on the net. Men and women of all ages and interests quickly grabbed the opportunity that eBay and the other online auctions offered.

Of course not everyone has achieved the success that they hoped for. Some people do not succeed on eBay because they are basically lazy and cannot be bothered to put in the effort. Others believe the adage “you can sell anything on eBay” which is not strictly true. Some people will try and persuade you that they know the “secret” of eBay success. The truth is there is no secret, everything you need to know to make a success of buying or selling on eBay is freely available if you know where to look.

The main purpose of this web site is to point you in the right direction to find that information. Currently on UKauctionline we have over a hundred articles on all aspects of online auctions by experts from all over the world. We are adding further articles on a regular basis and to ensure that you miss nothing it is recommended that you bookmark this site and visit it regularly.

Although we concentrate primarily on eBay.co.uk we also monitor the other UK based online auctions and the International eBay sites.

To further help newcomers to eBay we have a free 6 part mini course and a newsletter published monthly on the Internet. But whatever your level of experience we hope that you will find the information from UKAuctionline a help in building up your eBay business.